Ma che sia il senso che sei parte di questa cosa meravigliosa, che è tutto intorno a noi.

E' fattibile per tutti. Fare una vita vera in cui ci sei tu,una vita in cui ti riconosci".

Quest'uomo era Tiziano Terzani.

escursionista." /> News - News, eventi e attività di Marco Maranghi


Trekking Days (en)

il 18/01/2013 - This is a project designed for both those who want to approach this discipline for the first time and for those that practice it already and would like to learn more.It is not a proper training class, but an opportunity...

Trail Mania "running and learning"

il 18/01/2013 - Trail running is a variation of traditional road running. It is done on off-road trails normally used for mountaineering.I have been practicing this activity regularly for a few years and thanks to the technical support...

The Etruscans Way

il 18/01/2013 - Thanks to an idea of Enzo Giannecchini and close  collaboration with the guides of the Alta Via Trekking I am happy to present a project called "The Etruscans' Way". It's an excursion in stages...


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