Ma che sia il senso che sei parte di questa cosa meravigliosa, che è tutto intorno a noi.

E' fattibile per tutti. Fare una vita vera in cui ci sei tu,una vita in cui ti riconosci".

Quest'uomo era Tiziano Terzani.

, Environmental excursion guide, marco maranghi guida, trekking" /> Marco Maranghi - Environmental excursion guide

Marco Maranghi - Environmental Excursion Guide

Marco Maranghi

I was born in 1972. Today I am happily married and father of two "small explorers". Since I was a child I developed a passion for nature and the mountains, exploring the tracks of the Apuan Alpes. I am strongly attached to the peaks of those mountains where I have plenty of summer memories.

The passion for trekking has grown with me as a leisure activity for a long time. For the last few years I have been living in the mountains, enjoying anything that is off-road and with an great enthusiasm for trail running.

Since I believe that our life is shaped more by our will than by external circumstances, today I am proud to be a textile designer as well as an environmental excursion guide. I use my knowledge and experience to be a spokesman of a new way of living: dynamic and healthy, respectful of other human beings and the environment.

I will guide you on itineraries designed for people of every age, from those that are "slow pace" with the aim of discovering new places and spending time with companions, to the faster experiences intended for those who really love mountain running.

I will describe the character of each trail, revealing their stories and secrets. You will see how this experience can stimulate all of your senses.

So, come on, let's walk in the open air, following the pace of nature, enjoying the sense of freedom and directing our attention to the dimension within us at the same time!

Let's learn to dream and understand that hiking help us gain greater clarity of thought.

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