The places of my excursion

Fatonero Fatonero 2 Fatonero 3

Apuan Alpes: The enchanted Fatonero Wood

Type of years: Autumn/beginning of Summer

Excursions: 1 day

Level: Moderate/Difficult

The Fatonero Wood is situated at the center of the Apuan Alpes between Mount Fiocca and the majestic Mount Sumbra. The origin of the name, widespread in the X century toponymy, derives from the Latin noun "fagetum" that means "black beech". It refers to the fact that the dense wood wouldn't let the sun rays go through even in the sunniest days. It has become the epicenter of the legends of the Apuan Alpes because in the popular imagination the wood was inhabited by mysterious elves and by the spiteful Linchetto. Once you get to the wood after hiking on the not always easy CAI trails, you can appreciate immediately the peace of this place. Under the shelter of the beeches I will tell you the legends that make this wood so mysterious, I will tell you about the creatures that wander there and the true stories of the people that have lived there for generations.

Puntato Puntato 2 Puntato 3

Apuan Alpes: Discovering the ancient village Il Puntato

Type of years: Autumn/Spring

Excursions: 1 day/2 days

Level: Easy/Moderate

Il Puntato is an ancient mountain village that is located under the wonderful peaks of the Apuan Alpes. The village is situated at 1000mt in a large and striking plain, still unspoilt, and dominated by the majestic picks of Pania della Croce and Mount Corchia. Nowadays you can stay in old shepherds' houses renovated with wood and stone as sustainable refuges. You can only get to the village on foot via a well-indicated CAI trail that meanders through beech woods and grass fields that suddenly open out onto a breathtaking view on the mountains. Il Puntato is also a starting point for many other excursions: you can follow ancient mule trails and discover how shepherds used to live, or you can follow a nature trail to admire plant life and the fauna of the Apuan Alpes. There are four small refuges that use alternative energy where everything is "minimal" (although nothing is missing). You'll find all you need to appreciate simple things and enjoy the charm of the silence of nature.

Calvana Calvana 2 Calvana 3

From Bisenzio river to the Mount Calvana: Natuarla-historical itinerary

Type of years: Autumn/Winter/Spring

Excursions: Half day - Full day

Level: Easy/Moderate

Quoting Malaparte: "only the Bisenzio river and the Mount Calavana stand there as immutable witnesses of a thousand years of history and the wind that makes a fortune of this land..." During this excursion we'll discover all three of these : the river Bisenzio, essential in the origin and for the development of the city of Prato, the Mount Calvana with its caves and its sinkholes and finally the North wind. We will walk on a path that for centuries has been the Etruscan, Roman and Medieval guideline connecting the valleys of the river Marina, Sieve and Bisenzio. We will discover the ridge of the Mount Calvana with its rocks corroded by water, the wide and green sinkholes and thick oak woods. And the history of the Etruscans up until the tragical events of the Second World War.

Monteferrato Monteferrato 2 Monteferrato 3

Monteferrato: An itinerary of great natural interest

Type of years: All year round

Excursions: Half day

Level: Easy/Moderate

An excursion in the natural reserve of Monteferrato departing from Galceti car park. The 4-hours ring itinerary will help us appreciate the botany, wildlife and morphology that make Monteferrato so different from all the other surrounding ecological environments. The Monteferrato has all the endemic spieces of Tuscan stones like the yellow alyssum rock and the grass of fear that takes us back to an ancient popular tradition. During the Grand Duchy of Tuscany the Monteferrato was already a centre of interest. Here you can find a quote from a text written by Cav. Repetti more than 150 years ago: "It's a mountain that is singular for its shape, its colours and the rocks that make it up". The itinerary will go through the ancient village of Figline, with its rich history that goes from the initial "pottery laboratory" to its tragical ending of one of the most important episodes of the Tuscan Resistance.

Viareggio Viareggio 2 Viareggio 3

Natural trek in the Borbone estate (Viareggio)

Type of years: All year round

Excursions: Half day

Level: Easy, for kids

An environmental education trek in the East pinewood of Viareggio, intended for kids and adults. The itinerary starts from Viale dei Tigli in front of the Borbone Villa and continues towards the sea allowing walkers to admire the most important natural environments of the maquis around Lucca. The path, which is very easy, will help us talk about environmental education giving us the opportunity to learn how to read the territory by observing what is around us. Once we get to Leccionia beach the kids can participate in easy lessons in orientation and simple tests to find the marks of animals in the pinewood.

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